UMass Boston

students in long line holding colorful rainbow banner above heads
Center for Social Development & Education


社会发展与教育中心(CSDE)的使命是提高因环境因素而面临不良后果风险的儿童的整体生活质量, behavioral, 1)促进有学习或行为问题的儿童和青少年的社会发展, 2)培养与家庭和学校的关系,以确保培养有社会能力和适应能力的学生. 我们通过我们的评估研究活动在研究和实践之间建立联系,使这成为可能, development of standards, community programming and professional development.

Affiliated Programs

Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Populations

研究生证书为行为分析师认证委员会全国专业考试做准备.  This 7-course sequence is offered intensively between September and July each year.

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About Us

The Center for Social Development and Education (CSDE) has a rich history of diverse research, curriculum development, professional development, 以及反映和支持大学研究和公共服务使命的技术援助活动. In 1976, Gary Siperstein founded the Center for the Study of Social Acceptance at UMass Boston, 致力于研究影响残疾儿童教育和社会化问题的研究机构. During the 1980s, 该中心的大部分资金来自国家儿童健康与人类发展研究所,用于研究智力迟钝的社会方面. The center conducted numerous studies on hundreds of children and teachers, 提供数据,建立知识库,以了解智力迟钝者在成为学校和社区社会结构的一部分时所面临的挑战. (Siperstein received the prestigious MERIT Award from NIH for this research).

During the 1990s, 随着州和联邦立法规定所有残疾儿童都要接受正规教育, 学校系统面临着“重组”他们的员工和修改他们的课程以适应残疾学生的需要. Responding to these changes, 中心将研究活动扩大到所有残疾学生,并扩大了专业发展, curriculum development, 在广泛的残疾领域开展技术援助活动(不仅仅是智力迟钝的学生), but students with learning disabilities, ADHD, behavioural/emotional problems, and autism). The center was renamed the Center for Social Development and Education in 1995.

In this new decade, 通过与特奥会建立正式的合作关系,CSDE正在进一步扩大其应用研究, Inc. Recognizing the importance of cross-cultural research in mental retardation, Dr. Timothy Shriver, President of Special Olympics, Inc. (SOI) and Joanne Gora, past-chancellor of UMass Boston, 签署协议备忘录,建立澳门新葡新京官方作为区域合作中心(RCC). RCC的宗旨是开展对国际社会有价值的严谨科学研究. 澳门新葡新京官方/特奥会区域合作中心负责所有与态度和智力残疾有关的国际研究, as well as evaluations of SO programs at the international, national, and regional levels. 社发会今年亦透过多项新措施,扩大活动范围,并重申致力满足社会的需要, 包括对波士顿青年和家庭中心实施的暴力预防项目的评估.

At present, CSDE is a multidisciplinary, multi-service institute, 向教育界提供所需的支持,以应对日益严峻的挑战,为处境危险的儿童和青少年提供帮助, both academically and socially. Emphasis is given to carrying out rigorous applied research that informs practice, 以及专业发展计划的设计和实施,使学校人员做好准备,以应对在普通教育环境中教育有风险的儿童和青少年的挑战.

Commitment to Racial and Social Justice

At the Center for Social Development and Education, 过去几十年来,我们的使命一直是促进那些声音不常被听到的个人的有意义的包容. In line with this mission, we stand firmly in solidarity with the voices of Black Americans demanding to be heard, and our voices join millions of others in affirming that “Black Lives Matter”.  As a research center, and as individuals, 我们承认有必要继续开展反种族主义工作,并承诺为这项工作的向前发展作出贡献. 

In order to create meaningful change, we need to take specific actions within our center, and through partnerships with organizations both within and outside of the University. 以下行动项目可作为开展种族正义工作和确保作为CSDE成员的问责制的起点. 除了参与一个自我教育的过程,以帮助增加我们自己对种族不公正在社会中运作方式的了解, we commit to: 

  • Increasing intersectional research within the center, 我们每年都与经常被边缘化的社区合作,重点关注参与性行动方法,优先考虑这些社区的需求和经验. We will do so by intentionally designing and selecting new projects that use an intersectional lens, as well as pursuing projects that provide a direct service or benefit to the community.  
  • Mentoring undergraduate students on campus to provide meaningful research experiences, as well as providing lasting support and advice focused on their career and educational goals. As part of these experiences, 我们将鼓励学生为研究过程做出贡献,并帮助他们寻求机会展示他们的工作.
  • 积极招募和雇用来自不同背景的团队成员,以增加CSDE和Camp Shriver的代表性. This starts with intentional hiring practices, such as specifically posting on academic and job search networks that promote people of color.  
  • 与该大学的其他研究中心合作,重点关注种族正义,以支持不同研究领域的伙伴关系, with the goal of fostering a more intersectional understanding of the issues that impact communities.  


Center for Social Development and Education

Healey Library, 10th Floor
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125 USA